How Yoga Nidra Effects Your Brain, Body, and Sleep

How Yoga Nidra Effects Your Brain, Body, and Sleep

Yoga Nidra is gaining popularity with not only the yoga community but also the average person that is interested in becoming more mindful or looking to bring more attention to their mental health. This practice has been a game-changer for many and can help improve focus, reduce stress, and get better sleep. This article is aimed to share with you some of the benefits of Yoga Nidra and reasons why you should try it out for yourself.

What Is Yoga Nidra?

First, let's start with the basics. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that is often referred to as "yogic sleep". It is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, where the body is completely relaxed but the mind is still alert. During a Yoga Nidra practice, you lie down in a comfortable position and follow the instructions of a teacher or a recording.

What Are The Benefits Of Yoga Nidra?

There are many ways that yoga nidra can help you relax and affect your mind and body in a positive way:

  1. Decrease Stress

  2. Improve memory and cognitive functions

  3. Re-wire the brain and create new neural pathways

  4. Improve Sleep Quality

Decrease Stress and Increase Relaxation

The first and most obvious benefit is relaxation. When we are stressed, our bodies are constantly in a state of fight or flight, and this can lead to tension in the muscles and shallow breathing. Yoga Nidra allows us to release that tension and deeply relax, which can help lower our heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and promote feelings of calmness and well-being.

Improve Memory and Cognitive Functions

But that's not all - Yoga Nidra also has a number of cognitive benefits. One study found that a single session of Yoga Nidra was able to improve executive functioning, including working memory, cognitive flexibility, and the ability to inhibit inappropriate responses. Another study found that regular Yoga Nidra practice was able to improve attention and reduce distractibility.

So why does Yoga Nidra have such powerful effects on the brain? One reason is that it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion. When we are in this state, our bodies release hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of happiness and relaxation.

Guided Yoga Nidra Practice

Navigate A Different Way Of Thinking

Yoga Nidra also works to rewire the brain. During a Yoga Nidra practice, we are encouraged to set an intention or a sankalpa, which is a positive statement or affirmation. By repeating this intention during the practice, we are able to reinforce it in our minds and create new neural pathways. This can help us make positive changes in our lives, whether it's reducing stress, improving sleep, or achieving our goals.

Improve Sleep Quality

Finally, let's talk about sleep. If you are someone who struggles with insomnia, Yoga Nidra can be a game-changer for your sleep quality. One study found that regular Yoga Nidra practice was able to improve sleep efficiency, reduce sleep disturbances, and improve overall sleep quality.

So how does Yoga Nidra improve sleep? One reason is that it helps us release tension and stress, which can be major barriers to falling asleep. Additionally, Yoga Nidra works to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and can help us transition into deeper stages of sleep.

Yoga Nidra Group Session

Find A Guided Yoga Nidra Session Near You

You can find guided practices online or if you are interested in learning from a certified teacher, Flow Yoga has monthly Yoga Nidra workshops in the Charlotte, NC area. Our studio is the perfect environment for meditation practice. All you need is a comfortable place to lie down and a willingness to let go and relax. Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that offers a wide range of benefits, from relaxation to improved cognitive function to better sleep. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or a beginner, I encourage you to give Yoga Nidra a try, your brain (and your body) will thank you!